We get a lot of questions when we are out reenacting. Hopefully we can answer a few of the more common ones here.

Who are you?
We’re a group of hobbyists with an interest in WWII and the people who fought and died in that world-changing conflict. In particular, we share an interest in the role of the British Army and the story of the soldiers who fought to defend their island home and later free Europe from Nazi tyranny.
Based in the midwestern USA we have members in Illinois, Wisconsin, and Indiana.
So, what do you do exactly?
Living history can mean a lot of things. For us, it is about researching the lives, experiences, equipment and uniforms of British WWII soldiers and sharing them with the public.
We join with other reenactors across the Midwest in attending large displays. Each group has a camp where we setup displays and equipment, representations of combat and camp life. This allows us to talk with the public about what we’ve learned and for people to see and touch much of the equipment that would have been in use by these soldiers every day.
More specifically we aim to depict the uniforms and equipment of The Hampshire Regiment. A traditional infantry unit that saw fighting in North Africa, Italy and NW Europe from 1940 all the way to VE-Day.
Okay…. but why?
People are drawn to living history each for their own reason. Some have ancestors who served in the military, others come from a long interest in military history. Our shared drive that dictates our mission of education is a preservation and growth of public understanding of the people who fought in WWII and what their lives were like. To not let their experiences be forgotten, or left only to simplified Hollywood depictions.
Can I get involved?
Absolutely! Reenacting is a fun and in-depth summertime hobby. We are always looking for people interested in learning and sharing the history of WWII and The role of The Hampshire Regiment and The British Army. If you would like to find out more, please email us at hampsregt@gmail.com
If you are more interested in the military of other countries or civilian aspects of the war, please feel free to look at all the units at our parent organization The World War Two Historical Reenactment Society